
Ioannis Demenegas 

F&B Manager / Grand Resort Limassol - Ciprus

"She immediately gained recognition from hotel guests as well as colleagues as a knowledgeable, caring and understanding fitness trainer. She will be an asset to any team bringing enthusiasm, passion, value and commitment. I would not hesitate to employ Brigitta, she is an absolute Gem!"

Szőllősy Balázs


Négy éve dolgozunk együtt, először TRX órákra jártam, később a gerinctornát is felvettem az órarendembe.
Minden órán fontos a gyakorlatok helyes kivitelezése és erre nagy figyelmet fordít, valamint a hibák folyamatos javítására és mind emellett a jó hangulat fenntartására.
Nekem ez a két óra típus mindent megad amire a vitorlázásban és a hétköznapi életben szükségem van: gyorsaság, erő és egyensúly.

Jack Avina

Frizbi és futball játékos

"Brigitta taught me the importance of a full balanced workout of compound activities which included leg work outs that have helped improve my ability to perform while playing Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, and while Skiing. She also helped me to rehabilitate some of my old injuries and to develop the endurance necessary for tournament play while she has also improved my speed and agility. She has done this all the while by being extremely encouraging, professional, and meticulous." 

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